In a functioning democracy every individual has the equal opportunity to pursue political leadership or power and those liberties go along with many others, which allow those who make up the community to freely and openly voice their opinion and be heard. But what happens when those same principles hold true but the individual has no name…no face…no place to call home…only opinion…only words?
*Music hits hard with numerous screen shots of cyberspace where documents, comments, blogs, ect… have been posted anonymously*
VO -
Impact happens. New Ideas happen.
-Introduce WikiLeak’s
-WikiLeaks Case.
VO –
This impact. . .this change only happens because people decide to speak up. It encourages others to speak up and become part of the majority.
Neumann “the Spiral of Silence” (I will read this section from the book)
- one view dominates the public scene and the other disappears from public awareness and it's adherents become mute."
This is why over 1.2 million documents have been anonymously submitted and published on wikileaks…”aiming for maximum political impact.”
I will bring everything full circle with a poetic ending and describing the similarities in movement from public opinion in small, local, communities to that of endless ones in cyberspace.
Good enough to get you started. Once you decide on a specific wiki-leaks case I think you will really start rolling in the ideas.